The week before surgery ...
You will receive a call from the hospital confirming your pre-admission clinic visit. At this visit you will complete any pre-op bloodwork, meet with anesthesia, and confirm your arrival time for surgery
Ensure your pre-operative package is completed, including a copy of your complete health history (CPP) from your family physician
Consider any necessary medical supplies you may need after surgery (crutches, waterproof shower bag (knee), or Game Ready cold / compression ice therapy system). You may inquire with Kate or OrthoRx regarding arranging for rental of a Game Ready system
Please contact us as early as possible if you are sick the week of your surgery
The day of surgery...
Do not eat after midnight before your surgery
You MAY take necessary medications with sips of CLEAR fluids (water, apple juice)
Wear comfortable / loose fitting clothing
Bring your SURGICAL PACKAGE and your up to date Health card
You must have a responsible adult available to take you home and stay with you overnight.
Please arrive 2 hours prior to your surgical time to check in, at the 2nd floor surgical services location (section G)
Bring your GAMEREADY device, crutches, sling or brace if applicable
After surgery...
Leave your dressings intact for 3-5 days post-operative, unless instructed otherwise
After this, you may apply a clean dressing daily
You may shower at 3-5 days post-operative; after showering, gently pat your incision dry and place a clean dressing. Do not place any creams, etc. on the incision.
DO NOT submerge your incision in water until the wound has completely healed and all of the scabs are gone (generally around 3 weeks)
Eat a healthy diet and stay well hydrated as you recover from surgery
Some post-operative pain is normal - please follow the instructions given by Dr. Matthies regarding pain medications. IF you are concerned that your pain is not in keeping with normal post-operative pain, please contact the office and / or go to be assessed at the nearest ER
If prescribed ASA 81 mg OR antibiotics, complete the FULL course of these medications unless an adverse reaction is noted. All other pain medications may be tapered as your pain improves.​
Your post-operative clinic appointment will be at the Fracture clinic (see Fracture clinic FAQ)